A ZalaZONE Research & Innovation szervezésében lezajlott a 4. Trilaterális Konferenciá, amelynek mottója „A virtuális és a fizikai tesztelés szinergiája” volt.
AT-HU Bilateral cooperation- Central System project
ZalaZONE Innovation Ecosystem – wider scope of cooperation
Cross-border Traffic Management Plans; Digital Twin Preparation
Testing and use of vehicles with automated functions in Austria – new use cases
ZalaZONE Proving Ground is ready
Public Road Testing in practice and the new UNR157 ALKS regulation
Introduction to the Hungarian test environment – experiences of the past years, new legal challenges
AT-HU Bilateral cooperation-TestEPS project
Hungarian Public Roads, The way forward
Is the future only electric? Motoring at crossroads again
The Integration of virtual testing into the type-approval process