Call: 2024-1.1.1-KKV_FÓKUSZ-2024-00044

The grant application entitled “Significant expansion of the size range of products manufactured by metal injection moulding through development” was found worthy of funding by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation. ZalaZONE InnoTech Nonprofit Kft. will start implementing the project financed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund on February 01. 2025 under the…

Promotion of Local Christmas Fair

The Egerszeg Advent Fair 2023 organized by the Municipality of Zalaegerszeg opened its doors in the city centre. This year, 27 local companies supported the event, including ZalaZONE InnoTech Kft., whose donation was used to build the light tunnel in front of the Mayor’s Office. On Saturday, the Advent candles placed on the Dísz tér…

Conference on the role of innovation in defense industry

The Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training of Ludovica Unicersity of Public Service (NKE) organized a conference and exhibition entitled “Partnership in Defense Innovation” on December 5 at the university’s campus in Hungária Krt. in Budapest. The event was opened by General László Kovács, Scientific Vice-Chancellor of the NKE. He emphasized that the armed…

ZalaZONE InnoTech welcomed its 3000th visitor

As part of a career orientation program, students from József Mindszenty Primary School, High School and College visited the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground. The group included the 3,000th student visitor. The 96 ninth graders of Mindszenty School filled the conference hall, where Mr. MP László Vigh welcomed the students and handed over a gift package…

Career fair at ZalaZONE

The Zala County Government Office organized a Career Fair and professional presentation for primary school graduates at the ZalaZONE Conference Center. Around 1,000 participants from nearly forty institutions were invited and welcomed by governor Dr. Rózsa Sifter. In an innovative, 21st century location, the event gave the students the opportunity to get to know different…

NémoGREEN project closing conference at ZalaZONE

On November 23, the NémoGREEN project closing conference was held at the ZalaZONE Conference Center with the participation of nearly 100 interested professionals. The project was implemented on the initiative of the Némotrans Kft. based in Vép, in cooperation with several companies, institutions and the Széchenyi István University. In the project, started in August, a…

ZalaZONE at IAA MOBILITY 2023 in München

IAA Mobility 2023, the world’s largest mobility event was held in Munich between Sept. 5-10. At the Hungarian booth provided by the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency – HIPA, the latest developments realized in cooperation with MouldTech Systems Kft., Bosch Magyarország, and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics were presented. The Teleoperation demonstration, a joint research development by…