On Saturday, October 21st, more and more beautiful Porsche cars rolled into ZalaZONE. For the 12th time, the Porsche Club Pannonia organized the Ten Tower Tour, during which the convoy of 38 vehicles arrived at the test track conference centre after almost 300 kilometres. The tour started in Zalacsány at 9:00 a.m. and the first, fastest Porsches reached ZalaZONE around 5:30 p.m.
During the day, participants had to find and photograph ten monument buildings and church towers based on an itinerary. The race started in Zalacsány and went through Lenti, the Slovenian region of Muravidék and Austria via the zigzag roads from Őrség to the final stop in Zalaegerszeg.
When they arrived at their destination, a skill test in two stages awaited the participants in the parking lot of ZalaZONE’s conference centre. The distances had to be covered to the hundredth of a second, which was certified by the organizers with a seal.
The event was hosted by ZalaZONE InnoTech Nonprofit Kft., whose mission is to organize research and development collaborations, conduct university tests and promotional programs, host events such as the Porsche Ten Tower Tour and help with career guidance: to attract future professionals to ZalaZONE.