In cooperation with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics MouldTech Systems Ltd. organized the first MyDroneMet Aviation Meteorology Conference in ZalaZONE (Hungary) on the 17th of December. As part of the conference, numerous experts introduced the importance of meteorology in aviation and the use of drones for meteorological purposes.
The participants of the international conference could listen to the following presentations:
- András Zénó Gyöngyösi (Mould Tech Systems): Wind measurement using small drones
- Dr. Gábor Facskó (Wigner Research Centre for Physics): Space weather effects on aviation
- Richárd Büki (Geoinformatical Services of the Hungarian Defence Forces): Military Meteorological Support for UAVs
- Jadran Jurkovic (Croatia Control): Use of climatological and statistical tools in forecasting fog for Croatian airports
- Dr. Zoltán Tuba (Mould Tech Systems): Climatological support of strategic planning of UAV operations
- Prof. Dr. Zoltán Bozóki (University of Szeged): Photoacoustic systems optimised for drone-based gas and aerosol detection
- Dr. Dániel Rohács (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): An overview of the Hungarian drone-related national initiatives
- Ármin Fendrik (Mould Tech Systems): Drone spraying in agriculture, utilising controlled droplet application.
The informative and insightful presentations were followed by the ceremonial signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Mould Tech Systems and DroneVolt. As part of the agreement, the two companies will continue their cooperation and establish licensed drone manufacturing in the region. Moreover, Mould Tech Systems has become the exclusive distributor of DroneVolt in Hungary.
After the signing ceremony, the participants watched MyDroneMet’s accurate dynamic display, which showcased the punctuality and effectiveness of the MyDroneMet service.
The successful international conference highlighted the important links between drone operation and meteorology.