Mobility Forum 2024 Vienna


On May 16th, “Mobility Forum 2024 Vienna” was organized at the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna. The forum offered the opportunity to present the ZalaZONE ecosystem (test track and science park) to the relevant Austrian expert audience.

After the welcoming speech by Ambassador Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Zoltán Hamar, Managing Director of AVL-ZalaZONE Ltd. and Mario Brunner, Executive Vice President of AVL, gave a lecture, followed by presentations about the ZalaZONE Industrial Park and the ZalaZONE InnoTech. On behalf of ZalaZONE InnoTech, project manager Lóránt Kovács spoke in detail about the non-economic activities of the test track, including the company’s own research into energy and autonomous agricultural solutions. Afterwards, the participants could listen to a comprehensive presentation on the current macroeconomic situation of Hungary.

The program also included a drone presentation by MouldTech Systems Ltd.

The event provided an excellent opportunity for personal consultations. At the forum, the expert audience was able to get to know the ZalaZONE ecosystem and also received up-to-date information about the directions of Hungarian industrial development, the macroeconomic situation as well as the expected further developments.