László Palkovics became  government commissioner


On February 25, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán appointed Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Managing Director of Autóipari Probapálya Zala Kft., as Government Commissioner.

According to the decision published in Magyar Közlöny, László Palkovics, as Government Commissioner for Artificial Intelligence, is responsible for the maximum utilization of AI potential and the prevention of its risks and dangers.

László Palkovics’ duties include the maximum utilization of the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development areas of education, science, national economy, healthcare, agriculture, transport, national security, national defence, law enforcement, energy, industry, trade, financial sector, public administration and international cooperation, as well as the prevention of AI’s  risks and dangers. In addition, he will be responsible for promoting the use of AI technology in the fields of education, economy, healthcare, industry and transport. He will coordinate the implementation of the EU AI Regulation and oversee state support for domestic AI research and development.

László Palkovics’s duties, which he performs in the position of State Secretary, are managed directly by the Prime Minister, assisted by an eight-member secretariat operating within the organization of the Hungarian Ministry of Energy

Congratulations on the appointment and very much success in work!

Press interviews with László Palkovics on the occasion of his recent appointment here:

