On initiative and under the leadership of Némotrans International Transport Ltd., in partnership with Novareg Ltd., IVECO ETV, Shell, Top Solar, ZalaZONE Research and Technology Center, Vehicle Industry Research Center of Széchenyi István University, with the BTI Management Foundation and ZalaZONE InnoTech Nonprofit Ltd, the NémoGREEN project will be implemented between September and December 2023.
The aim of the project is to compare the energy consumption and emissions of a train consisting of a conventional diesel-powered tractor and a three-axle standard box-type semi-trailer and an LNG-powered tractor and a single-axle box semi-trailer with a solar on-top system.
Project goals:
- Development of an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly implementation of international road transport by integrating several system elements.
- Determination of the most effective system settings and driving characteristics.
- System integration validation.
The two systems are compared on three levels: in a simulation environment, with telematics support, with a test run simulating the real environment on the test track, and with telematics analysis of the real environment.
As a result, optimal system setting will be determined, management technical guidelines will be prepared, and the research results will be published in several forums – conferences, publications, educational materials and PR materials